Mets Therapy Session 5: Cuncel Da Franchise

Warning: Lots of yelling, mostly by me because I was very mad

KFC and I decided to go back to the therapy couch after last night’s absolute debacle in Washington DC. There is no way to put it other than it being rock bottom. To be fair, this team lives in rock bottom like Dave Portnoy lives in the mud. But I think (hope?) last night was as low as it can get. An absolute disaster of a season on the field, off the field, and in the media. Once this tweet hit the internet, I officially lost all hope in the Mets ever being a competent franchise.

After seeing that, I have entered a motion of no faith with the Wilpons. The way they have managed the team since the Madoff scandal while Major League Baseball covered for them was bad enough. But seeing what they have done with David Wright’s insurance money while allowing a team built around cheap pitching to cut corners at other positions despite being a New York team was the final straw. This entire season devolving to an embarrassing nightmare is just the cherry on the top of the shit sundae Mets fans have been forced to eat. I won’t stop being a Mets fan because I don’t want to be a quitter and I love baseball. But I am sick of them ruining my summers every single year when they reside in a market that should ensure they are at least average. And like KFC said, I don’t think I want to put my kids through the life as a Mets fan. Yeah it would be great if they rooted for the team I grew up rooting for. And if by some miracle they actually won a championship, it would be all worth it. But I feel like as long as the Wilpons are the owners of the New York Metropolitans, it will be the same story of one year of “glory” that falls short followed by 5+ years of misery. Cuncel da franchise.

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